Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I Siriusly Need a New Song

I am in a rut.

Today was Google Day 3.0, and I am actually posting in a timely manner.

I really just need to say that I have reached an obstacle in my learning. I like to call it, "WHATIDON'TKNOWHOWTHISISSOHARDRAGEQUIT"

In case that is too convuluted, I'll get to the gist: this "learning guitar thing" is REALLY hard. To the point of I have been playing the same four major chords for the last 3 weeks and don't know where or how or what to go from here.

So, today in band I got a rude awakening. Aparently, instead of grading everything super easily like he reportedly did last year, this year Mr. Matthys is actually going to grade projects based on how good they are in reality. Which makes me, ah, REALLY REALLY WORRIED.

It would be so sad if I failed band. BAND. WHO FAILS BAND.

But really, I'm super worried about this because I need new songs but every song I try isn't even attemptable because it's so difficult.

So, before I could continue my battle for glory with Laurent, I was swept away by Blake and his crew of poorly costumed misfits. I spent about [an unspecified amount of] minutes starring in their music video and listening to Blake give the repetetive direction "just look super creeped out". I am so looking foward to everybody appreciating my stellar acting skills in that video. I may or may not have laughed in every single take. Don't tell Mr. Steamrolling-director-I-should-be-playing-all-of-your-roles-I-can't-work-with-these-ameteurs a.k.a. Blake. I'm totally kidding, we're besties.

Anyway, once I was released/their camera died, I secluded myself to the special corner of the hall that probably has my butt imprinted in it by this point (the floor, obviously. Not the whole hall) and worked on the same old stuff. I basically spent the next hour in this spot, with occaisional helpful demonstrations and aid from various passersby. It appears everybody at LO can play the guitar except for me.

Basically, if I could just find a song, I wouldn't give up hope right now. Plus, I'm hoping I'll get brownie points for having super witty blog posts...maybe?

Mr. Mattys is awesome...

Ah well. Toodle-oo

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