I think I've had an epiphany.
Today I decided to befriend Laurent, instead of being terrified of him. We made friendship bracelets, signed a contract of friendship, and got down to business. (You should all be singing the Mulan song in your head right now)
And it was easier.
I said, It. Was. Easier.
OHMYGOD, YOU GUYS (Cue that song). I tackled my patriotism with "This Land Is Your Land" once again and it went SO much better. It's actually starting to sound like a song. I sound horrible of course, me and my little nonchoir second soprano self singing a song written for men and sounding like crap when it got out of my range, but that's okay because nobody judges your singing in band. I hope. The final chord still sounds funky to me- it doesn't sound like the end of the song. But that might be because I don't know how to harmonize.
In other news, Guys and Dolls opens this week. Everyone come and see it.
you should put on a picture of your friendship bracelets.