Tuesday, September 25, 2012

So That Plan Failed

Since I know everyone is DYING to hear more about my guitar-ing adventures, I'll bring Y'ALL up to date (all seven million people who read this blog, ha ha).

This morning, I asked Mr. Matthys if I could borrow a tuner. Despite my pleas and highly ineffective and probably very emotionally damaging begging, he was resistant. Since I have no inner tuning device to speak of, and am probably very tone deaf, I will have to rethink phase one.

Unfortunately for me, phase two will probably result in me bringing my guitar (let's call him Laurent- pronounced LAH - RAHHHHNT in a pretentious French accent) to school to use the tuner under Matthys's watchful and mistrusting supervision. One would think that if one trusted other one to be a DA (possibly the most dangerous and emotionally stimulating responsibility in band- involves stacking chairs and photocopying), one would trust one to borrow a tuner, but I guess not (I'm totally kidding Mr. Matthys please don't fail me)

So, I will plan on bringing LAH-RAHHHNT to school next A Day (Thursday?), to tune this bro. And then, well....the real fun begins!

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