Thursday, September 27, 2012

It's Not Cheating, It's Taking the Easy Way Out

This guitar stuff keeps getting so much more exciting! Maybe I'll actually play it sometime! :)

But in all seriousness, I am so pumped right now.

In the latest news, I abandoned my idea to take Laurent to school to tune him when, last night, my mother was playing him and snapped a string (chord? Wire? What's the official term?). So, since it was her fault and all, she took it to the Guitar Doctor for me today while I was at school and got him all fixed up with a new string/chord/wire/whatever. The doctor also tuned I don't have to. That's not really cheating, is it?

In addition, she also bought me not one, but TWO beautiful guitar picks so I can have pretty accessories to make me look more pro. Shoutout to Mommy for being AWESOME!! <3

Also, today at my voice lesson my teacher leant me her Beatles book AND a book on how to play chords! Yay!


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

So That Plan Failed

Since I know everyone is DYING to hear more about my guitar-ing adventures, I'll bring Y'ALL up to date (all seven million people who read this blog, ha ha).

This morning, I asked Mr. Matthys if I could borrow a tuner. Despite my pleas and highly ineffective and probably very emotionally damaging begging, he was resistant. Since I have no inner tuning device to speak of, and am probably very tone deaf, I will have to rethink phase one.

Unfortunately for me, phase two will probably result in me bringing my guitar (let's call him Laurent- pronounced LAH - RAHHHHNT in a pretentious French accent) to school to use the tuner under Matthys's watchful and mistrusting supervision. One would think that if one trusted other one to be a DA (possibly the most dangerous and emotionally stimulating responsibility in band- involves stacking chairs and photocopying), one would trust one to borrow a tuner, but I guess not (I'm totally kidding Mr. Matthys please don't fail me)

So, I will plan on bringing LAH-RAHHHNT to school next A Day (Thursday?), to tune this bro. And then, well....the real fun begins!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

All Instrumented Up and Nowhere to Go

So, in the latest of GREAT news, I have concluded to take the boring way out, and teach myself how to play the guitar. My voice teacher has a book of Beatles songs for guitar, so maybe for my final project I'll play one and sing along, if I don't die of crippling performance anxiety under the fear of singing in front of crowds of millions (or forty).
And, as if today couldn't POSSIBLY get better, I am now in possession of my cousin's borrowed guitar, having obtained under the threat of "if you break it I'll kill you or, like, whatever". So my next step is to obtain a practice book (library/Mr. Matthys's extensive music collection) after I have figured out how to tune the thing, as I'm fairly certain it has sat in the corner of Hannah's room for the last six months, casting an air of worldliness and feminine mystique.
Happy Sunday, everybody! :D


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Trombone Failures and Time Wasting

Today was the first google day in band! Yippee!
So for me and my lack of creativity, this meant sitting around writing ideas and trying to look musical and intelligent. (For obvious reasons, this failed miserably)
Today, I accomplished basically nothing, which is why this blog has no title. I wrote a big fat list of some ideas that I could do, some suggestions from other people, and a lot of drawings of stars to satisfy my doodly brain.
Some results from today's brainstorming included:
  • learn to play an instrument
  • compile a musical history of famous pieces from different time periods, from [INSERT YEAR HERE] to current day.
  • make a music video (seems to be the standby - unfortunately for my lack of talent in the video-editing department, this is probably not an option)
  • make instruments out of household appliances and play a band chant or song on them
  • blow into glass bottles containing different amounts of water (to have different notes) and play a song. I don't think I can do this because of the lack of glass bottles in my house that I would be willing to use. As most nonalcoholic beverages seem to come in plastic these days, I would have a difficult time finding bottles.
By the end of the day, my best ideas are EITHER to (a) learn to play one of the band chants on three-five different instruments or (b) master either guitar or harmonica.
I also spent about 20 minutes trying to figure out the melody of the How I Met Your Mother theme song. Time well spent.
In addition, I spent a while trying to understand the basics of trombone (shoutout to Blake for letting me borrow his!) with the aid of a tuner. This resulted in a big ole pile of frustration because first position can apparantly result in EVERY NOTE OF THE GOSHDARN SCALE, which is super irritating and means I have a crappy embouchure. Ah well, failed that.

All in all, not the best day. Hopefully will have more luck starting soon!